Monday, July 26, 2010
Line Weights = Depth
The Goal of this sketch was to learn how to add depth by cross hatching or drawing in different line weights. The walls or objects that you want to seem farther away beome darker. I learned a new way to create depth in a sketch, while practicing one-point perspective as well.
Fruit Section
The goal of this sketch was to draw a section of two fruits. I chose a kiwi and Pink Grapfruit because they were two friuts i had never sketched before. I also thought it would be fun to draw the interesting textures and layers that each fruit has. It was fun to experiment with the grapfruit texture, and doing these helped me think in perspective and practice line weights and shading.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The goal of this weeks sketch was to draw three houseplants. Now that I have learned a bit more about shading I've tryed to incorperate it as much as I can in my sketchs to create depth and a better quality sketch. I really like the cactus one but I would still like to be much faster at sketching. These sketches still took my lots of time and I have yet to be able to draw from thought. I had to look at a picture.
The almighty WHEEL!
This was part of the color harmonie assignment. Much like the chips, the goal of this assignment was to paint our own color wheel trying our best to match it to an already existing color wheel. This too presented itself as being a little difficult, especially when it came to red-violet. That color just seems as though it doesn't actually exist. I enjoyed this assignment though because I love working with colors. I learned exactly how much of each color is in what, which will make it easier for later projects and when I work with colors in general.
Color Harmonies
This goal of this assignment was to pick out 5 pictures that represented 5 of the color harmonies. This was one of my favorite assignments because it consisted of looking through home, and design magazines for "educational purposes." (always a plus). We then had to mix and paint our own color chips to match the colors in the photos. This was surprisingly hard, I now have a new appreciation for paint mixers, and the awsome machines that mix the paint FOR you. My favorite one is the complementary because of the colors, I love the colors blue and orange. This assignment helped me recognize that every room has a purposful scheme its just a matter of finding it.
the goal of this assignment was to display our actual process and thought process when creating our Room Projects, resulting in an actual 3D model. By doing a process poster it helps me see for myself the process I went though, and the overall themes that I used by collecting all process work in one place. Process posters are helpful for that reason exactly, now that I have everything in one place it will help me explain and describe my project better, in a more whole and clear way. I was also able to explore Van Gogh and my themes even more by applying them to my the actual process poster as well.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
One-Point Perspective
The goal of this sketch was to use One-Point perspective. The challenge though, was to sketch an existing building. This was a challenge because it was hard to comprehend where the vanishing points actually were in real life, and beable to transfer that on to paper. I am satisfied with the sketch, but I would have liked to have added a little more detail with brick if i had more time. This sketch was also helpful in putting together not only the building elements but adding the natrual elements as well, like trees and shrubs. Its easy to forget the image as a whole when focusing on the demensions of the building itslef. It was good practice putting nature in perspective with the structure.
Two Point Perspective
Recently we just learned how to draw from one-point and two-point perspectives. I can't even begin to describe how much learning these techiniques has helped me. drawing in perspective, free hand, has always been somthing that i struggle with. by learning vanishingpoints and using a ruler I feel as though I can finally succesfully draw in persepective and make a room recognizable. My previous corner room sketch that I posted is a good comparison of how much I've improved. I hope that with time I can loose the ruler and with practice, be able to do more perspective drawings from eye, rather than using VP's and Horizon lines.
The objective of this sketch was to crosshatch a piece of fruit. I normally have a really hard time with shading, but after practicing on geometric shapes and reading Ching I finally got the hang of the idea. I am happy with this sketch because its one of my first visually successfull shaded objects. I hope to refine my skill more though, so that its less of an obsticale in my sketching and more of a tool.
The heritage represented by this textile pattern is a mix between Scottish and Native American backgrounds. The Majority of Paige’s background lies within Scottish roots. More specifically she belongs to the Macgregor Clan, one of the many clans Scotland is known for; the clan is uniquely known for its history in being one of the more aggressive clans. Within the clans there are specific colors, sayings, and symbols unique to each one. The Macgregor is represented by the colors red and green, and its symbol includes a lion with a crown and the saying, “Rioghal Mo Dhream” meaning, “My Race is Royal.” The other heritage represented is Native American. A very small part of Paige’s background can be traced back to the Blackfoot Indians. Although it is so small it is unique and therefore represented in this textile. The Blackfoot Indians originate today in Montana and are represented by the color blue, the native bear and feathers all seen in its flag.
For the textile the main idea was to create the majority of it being of Scottish heritage, and only a little bit of the Blackfoot heritage. This was to mimic the actual heritage background, it being almost all Scottish and very little Native American. To accomplish this, the background image used was the Macgregor clan pelt, and colors. The Red and Green were then used throughout the rest of the textile as well. The Macgregor crest was also used in the bottom right hand corner, which includes the lion, crown, and saying “Rioghal Mo Dhream.” Lastly, the type in the middle of the feather circle, “Byde weill, betyde weill,” is a famous Scottish saying that Paige grew up with her dad saying often, meaning, “Everything comes to him who waits.” The feather circle is the last element, as well as the only element representing the Blackfoot Indians. It is the feather circle that appears on the Blackfoot tribal flag, and is normally black but to represent the mixture of the two cultures the circle was turned dark green to match the Macgregor clan’s color scheme.
The textile was put together to mimic another textile pattern that was found. The found textile had a large Flower with another smaller flower slightly below and skewed to the left of it. The off center, out of place, abnormal look inspired the textile because mixing a Scottish heritage with a Native American one is in itself a bit skewed. The feather circle was blown up, being the largest element because it is the only element representing the Blackfoot Heritage so it was enlarged to create a little more emphasis amongst all the Scottish elements. This circle was to represent the larger flower of the found textile, and the Macgregor crest was placed in an offbeat way to mimic the smaller flower in the found textile. The saying was put in the middle of the Feather Circle to balance the negative space and positive space of the two elements. Lastly the background was faded so that the elements on top would gain more emphasis as well.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Patriotic Quilt
With this assignment, the task was to create a quilt pattern by distorting images and putting them together with a certain color scheme in mind. This is my second time doing this assignment so I was able to mix old knowledge with new knowledge. I really like the way this one turned out, even better than my last one. With this one I was more strick with my colors, making it look much cleaner and symetrical. This time around, I was able to use more detail, and photoshop skills than before as well, also making it look much better. It could be though, that I like it more just because 4th of july is my favorite holiday... its only a small bias really.
Monday, June 28, 2010
In this assignment, we the task was to create two posters that represented the elements and priniciples of design. The assignment as a whole helped me learn the fundamentals of design by physically going out into the real world and having to find objects that represented them. It helped me visual the meaning a lot more. By making the posters, the challenge was fitting all 29 images on two different posters. It was hard to be unique and artistic, while trying to fit so many pictures because you had to be more organized than abstract. I learned how I could be simple within a grid pattern, but still have a unique outcome. Next time I would work harder on limiting my information, because the more writing I had the sloppier it looked. I needed to refine my information. I would also like to have had pictures from just around campus but I had camera difficulties and had to use previous photos.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Process Poster
By doing this process poster, I was able to become aware of my own thought process and genration of ideas for projects. This really helps becuase I can see what I do well and what I need to work on. In the future I would like to do much more pre sketching, and Brainstroming like we had done with our Logos. I think through the brainstorming I was able to come up with a lot more ideas to branch from so I had options and I could choose the best. Here I started with an idea and made my resources work to my Idea instead of not being afraid to throw the whole thing away and start with a new Idea. In all though I am satisfied with this project, and the process it took to get to the final product. I accoplished most of what I was going for and I believe I protrayed the main ideas of my heritage well.
Monday, April 19, 2010
The Goal of this assignment was to practive writinga resume for future employers. By doing this assingment it gave me an idea of what is needed and what types of skills are needed to do such an internship in the future. I was also able to get everything i've done thus for down on paper to look at. I really enjoyed being able to be creative with a resume instead of having it just be black and white. I think by being creative it really makes a difference, but in the future i think i would pay a little more attention to detail and perfect my skills in cutting and pasting in In Design.
Monday, April 12, 2010
The task of this assignment was to create our own logo, that reflects who we are and what we do in an appealing matter. The easiest way to start was to brainstorm ideas of jot down words that mean something to me or design. My brainstorming incuded mostly words around, Bainbridge island or seattle which included the space needle, rain, "the rock," as well as design aspects, like contrast in color, residential design, "Paige Design," Island design, ect. Next, we sketched ideas of different logo's using these ideas we had just created. I did incorperate, lots of these words into other logo ideas, however, it was this logo that really stood out to me the most. With this assignment I realized how effective simplicity can be. contrasting colors with a simple layout can get a point across just as easily as if you were to throw a bunch of words out to try and say something. I also was able to use a new program, Adobe Illustrator. I was able to learn a whole new variety of possiblitys within layout desing through this program like clipping, selecting, and vector images. I do like my finished logo, however, if i were to do another logo I would probably change the name of the logo because "paige design" sounds like webpage deisgn instead of residential design. The house was supposed to get that idea of residentail across.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Apple Art
The goal of this sketch was to draw a piece of fruit, and then a section of a fruit. My sketch is pretty simple, but I think with this sketch it helped me gain perspective. With this sketch you had to look at an object as a whole and then create the same image but in a different state. Witch relates to the drawing of sections and elevations in interior design work. What I think i could work on is shading and creating dimension within all my sketches.
Corner Room
The goal of this sketch was to draw the corner of any room of your choice. With this sketch i really had to work on three dimensional drawing. I really had to think of positioning and perspective with three dimensional objects like the bump out in the wall, the desk and dresser, as well as decorative objects like school supply's or wall hangings. This sketch really helped me practice these skills, mostly three dimensional drawing. I have lots of work to do on my 3D sketching, but i can only get better!
Negative Space
With this sketch, the goal was to take an object and on color in the negative space around the object. It was hard at first to imagine something in "negative space." I found myself redrawing multiple times, after realizing I hadn't include all the negative space. I decided to do this lamp because it had a simple outline, but with the necklace it added something a little more difficult. Sketching is a skill that I would really like to improve in, and by doing this sketch I was able to learn the basics of outlining, and looking at an object by its figure rather than its details within it. This makes it easier for me to see objects differently, as well as knowing where to begin in a sketch.
Textile Pattern
The inspiration of this design came from a Scottish Heritage. In Scotland there are different "clans" that mark your family blood line. The clan represetned here is the Macgregor Clan, Which inclues a crest with a lion and a crown, with the saying "Rioghal Mo Dhream" meaning "My Race is Royal." Both the lion and the saying are included in this textile.
The focal point of the pattern is the letter "S," This stands for three things, of course Scotland, but also Skinner and Scott. Scott is my dads name, and it's from his side where the Scotish blood line comes from. Skinner, is the surname that is associated with the Macgregor clan. Also there are two flowers that surround the "S," and these are Thistle, a flower that Scotland is known for. Lastly, there is bagpipe at the bottom of the "S," and this too is a known instrument of Scotland, and also happens to be one of my dads favorite choices of musical entertainment. (his one flaw, according to my mom). The color scheme is based off the Scottish flag which is royal blue and white, with the white part making an "X." This also mimics the "X" that is behind the this decal.
This textile was put together in this way, primarily to mimic the scottish flag. The main decal, was created to mimic a textile pattern that had a compilation of different flowers and birds that were recognizable up close, but far away the compilation created a textured circle or ball. This textile was aspiring to be the same texture allusion but with different Scottish elements instead of birds and flowers.
I am very happy with the way the decal ended up, and I'm also proud of the compilation of images. I do wish though, that the decal looked more like the "ball" I had described before. I would also like to have added more dimension to my image, and more texture. As of right now its very two dimensional and sketch like.
The focal point of the pattern is the letter "S," This stands for three things, of course Scotland, but also Skinner and Scott. Scott is my dads name, and it's from his side where the Scotish blood line comes from. Skinner, is the surname that is associated with the Macgregor clan. Also there are two flowers that surround the "S," and these are Thistle, a flower that Scotland is known for. Lastly, there is bagpipe at the bottom of the "S," and this too is a known instrument of Scotland, and also happens to be one of my dads favorite choices of musical entertainment. (his one flaw, according to my mom). The color scheme is based off the Scottish flag which is royal blue and white, with the white part making an "X." This also mimics the "X" that is behind the this decal.
This textile was put together in this way, primarily to mimic the scottish flag. The main decal, was created to mimic a textile pattern that had a compilation of different flowers and birds that were recognizable up close, but far away the compilation created a textured circle or ball. This textile was aspiring to be the same texture allusion but with different Scottish elements instead of birds and flowers.
I am very happy with the way the decal ended up, and I'm also proud of the compilation of images. I do wish though, that the decal looked more like the "ball" I had described before. I would also like to have added more dimension to my image, and more texture. As of right now its very two dimensional and sketch like.
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